471 Clove Rd, Staten Island, NY 10310

NSC Environmental Consultants brings expert knowledge of industrial and environmental hygiene to assist in our client’s most challenging environmental issues. Head over to our Services page to learn more about what we offer or contact us directly so we can speak about your specific issue and ways we can help.

Our Services

See below for some of our most commonly requested consulting services.


Building inspections for asbestos containing materials prior to your construction, demolition or renovation project.



Assessments the presence of mold in buildings impacted by leaks or floods. We determine how mold impacts indoor air.


Indoor Air Quality

Assessments of indoor air quality. Air quality may be impacted by indoor or outdoor contaminants. Testing for dust, VOCs, and more.

IH Facts, Tips, and Thoughts

A series of blog posts containing information about various industrial and environmental hygiene topics.

What is an ACP-5?

“If a building does not have any asbestos containing materials or the portions of the building… do not have any asbestos containing materials, a New York City certified asbestos investigator can submit the ACP-5 form to the NYCDEP”

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