Asbestos Testing
NSC is certified to perform testing for asbestos in New York and New Jersey. We perform sampling of building materials as well as air sampling if there is a concern of contamination in the home.
NSC performs pre-renovation and pre-demolition surveys to identify the presence or absence of asbestos in materials to be affected by the construction work. If asbestos is found, NSC can perform abatement project design to ensure it is safely dealt with prior to construction beginning. If no asbestos is found, NSC can write a report certifying that the project is asbestos free. NSC will perform these surveys safely and thoroughly to ensure no harmful materials are made to be a risk to occupants and that they are all identified. We perform whole building, or scope of work specific surveys and our reports are comprehensive and easy to understand.
NSC is well versed in federal, state and local regulations, as well as industry standards for common hazards such as Asbestos, Lead-Based Paint, PCB containing materials (Poly-Chlorinated Biphenyls), Mold, and Universal Waste. If you believe your property contains any of these hazardous building materials, or you are unsure, contact us today to schedule a walkthrough.