Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) Testing
NSC can perform testing for indoor air contaminants. If you are noticing a gas or chemical like odor, we can use instruments that directly measure the concentration of toxic or explosive gases in the air. We also perform testing of dust and fibers which may have entered the home through nearby construction or pollution.
NSC also performs air quality screenings if your building is feeling stuffy, musty, too hot or cold, dusty, or uncomfortable.
More than ever, the quality of the air we breathe is constantly impacted by our environment, actions, and fellow humans. Contaminants and uncomfortable conditions can develop if our building’s ventilation are poor. NSC is prepared to identify contaminant sources, poor ventilation, and practices which will improve these conditions. We have developed a comprehensive survey strategy based on industry standards and guidelines which includes a thorough, room-by-room visual assessment, occupant/personnel interviews, and direct-read measurements of total volatile organic chemicals, temperature, relative humidity, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, and nuisance dust mass concentrations.
Contact us today to discuss your building’s air quality conditions and to schedule a walkthrough.